Back in the Day - 90's Hip Hop All Star Band

Agency Contact:

Landon Gale-George



  • Coming Soon

Established in 2022, Riverside, CA-based tribute band, Back In The Day, set their sights on accomplishing one thing - to take their audience back to a simpler, carefree time in their lives. For many of us, that just happened to coincide with the emergence of the Golden-Age of hip hop. Picture it, cruising down the boulevard, tuning in to your favorite radio station and hearing the latest head bobbing hits from the likes of Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, Nate Dogg and many more. 

Back In The Day captures that original sound that brings you back to your youth while knocking you off your feet with their energetic, creative, and game changing performance. They quickly went from an opening act at their debut performance to now headliners, and after you witness them for yourselves, you'll understand why.